Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Native People's Party
Congress never considered B. G. Tilak as national leader
B.G. Tilak born in1856 and working as Maths teacher in Pune and running an educational society and news papers joined congress in 1990 but he was never considered as National leader by congress and till his death he was not made congress president .
In fact Tilak felt high and dry in congress just after joining congress as the same was run by many that time stalwarts like Dadabahi Navroji etc.
In 1916 Tilak felt he is neglected by Congress and therefore , he started Home Rule League and soon after that in 1920 died without achieving any thing worth while .
It was Mahatma Gandhi who changed Congress from select people's organization to common Native people's organizations bringing many Non Brahmins to prominent positions. Netaji , Sardar Patel , Rajendra Prasad , Krupalani and Abdul Kalam Azad are Non Brahmin faces soon showed their merit and even surpassed Brahmins in many matter .
Congress suffered again during Nehru period after independence and Nehru made congress as Panditwadi house hold organization . Motilal Nehru , Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru , Indira Gandhi , Rajiv Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi finally made congress suffer so much as Panditwadi Congress that the congress is in very bad shape as small Pandittwadi organization begging votes from Dalit. Muslim and Backward classes as the policies of congress always remained confusing .
Nv. D.D.Raut , President , NPP
Our Message to Nation : Janeu Chhodo , Bharat Jodo

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